Monday, November 29, 2010

Mario's "Art of War"


1. What feeling does this photograph create in you, the viewer?
The viewer will not feel secure with what is happening around the situation, for example, anything would be imminent in war.
2. What story do you think this photograph tells the viewer? Does it capture something that would be hard to convey in words?
It tells the viewers that the people of war is in all directions including the danger of war.
3.  Who or what is the subject of this photograph?
These solider seem to be fighting other insurgents in the mountains of Afghanistan.
4. Is the lighting natural or artificial? What time of day is it?
Natural. Around the morning or afternoon. Dawn and dusk.
5. What colors stand out?  
Pink and Red.
6. What part or parts are out of focus, if any?
Some of the mountains in the background are out of focus.
7. What is the distance between the subject and the camera/viewer? What is the effect of this?
The photography is on top of something.The effect is to emphasize on the boxers.
8. How is the picture composed? Is the subject centered? Is the "rule of thirds" followed?
The subject is not centered.
9. How personal/impersonal is this photo? What elements make it this way?
Personal since the solder is with his boxers showing.
10. What strikes you most about the photo? Why do you think that is?
Fighting in a war so well trained and not having an importance on what the solder is wearing.
11. What is the background for this image?
In the distance there are mountains, rocks, and sandbags.
12. Why do you think this photograph was taken?
To see the intensity of war.
13. Does this qualify as photojournalism? As commercial, casual or art photography, or some other category? Why?
This does qualify as photojournalism.Other.
14. Is the photo timely? Does it have a timeless quality? Both? Might it become iconic? Why or why not?
Yes and yes because the yes.
15. What else do you notice about the photograph?

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