Tuesday, November 30, 2010

10 Businesses' The Smartphone Has Abolished

1. Are you or people you know less likely to buy any of the products listed as a result of the development of smart phones?
Most probably, the introduction of this Droid technology has perhaps made the productions just another waste of money and time.

2. In general, do you think it is an advantage or a disadvantage to have so many of your technological functions in a single device?
I believe it is an advantage because there will not be much needing to buy other products that are just easier to find in one; however, it will remain a disadvantage if anything were to happen to the cellular phone because of the characteristics.

3. How have smart phones improved our lives?
Smartphones have improved at least an individual in one thing in common, for example, it could be the remainder of time you may have to enjoy other activities.

4. What do you think has been the most important invention of your lifetime? How do your answers compare with the most important inventions of your parents’, grandparents or great-grandparents’ lifetimes?
The most important invention of our lifetime would have to be in medical advances and other improvements that our society has enhanced, and most probably will remain in such an order to provide with such situations.

5. “There are plenty of studies which insist that smart phones will begin to replace the PC as the common vehicle for accessing the Internet.” Do you agree? If so, does this mean PCs are on their way out? Would you ever stop using them?
PCs are most arguably still needed for example in detail to perhaps contribute to the business cycle and other notes that include, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint will still be a good factor.

6. Do you have any need for TVs, radios, and other devices, rather than just using your computer for everything? Would you ever want to use your phone as a TV or radio? What are the barriers to either of these things happening?
To a certain extent and limitation, however, I would more prefer viewing TV and radio in simple and ordinary devices. Making life more challenging for others to inquire.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Mario's "Art of War"


1. What feeling does this photograph create in you, the viewer?
The viewer will not feel secure with what is happening around the situation, for example, anything would be imminent in war.
2. What story do you think this photograph tells the viewer? Does it capture something that would be hard to convey in words?
It tells the viewers that the people of war is in all directions including the danger of war.
3.  Who or what is the subject of this photograph?
These solider seem to be fighting other insurgents in the mountains of Afghanistan.
4. Is the lighting natural or artificial? What time of day is it?
Natural. Around the morning or afternoon. Dawn and dusk.
5. What colors stand out?  
Pink and Red.
6. What part or parts are out of focus, if any?
Some of the mountains in the background are out of focus.
7. What is the distance between the subject and the camera/viewer? What is the effect of this?
The photography is on top of something.The effect is to emphasize on the boxers.
8. How is the picture composed? Is the subject centered? Is the "rule of thirds" followed?
The subject is not centered.
9. How personal/impersonal is this photo? What elements make it this way?
Personal since the solder is with his boxers showing.
10. What strikes you most about the photo? Why do you think that is?
Fighting in a war so well trained and not having an importance on what the solder is wearing.
11. What is the background for this image?
In the distance there are mountains, rocks, and sandbags.
12. Why do you think this photograph was taken?
To see the intensity of war.
13. Does this qualify as photojournalism? As commercial, casual or art photography, or some other category? Why?
This does qualify as photojournalism.Other.
14. Is the photo timely? Does it have a timeless quality? Both? Might it become iconic? Why or why not?
Yes and yes because the yes.
15. What else do you notice about the photograph?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Vertical Compositions

Photojournalist Sergio Gutierrez prepares to fight with another student.

Student Freddy Gonzalez concentrates in his Technology class.

Diana Cabadas reads patiently in Mrs. Scotts' class.

Justin Rios reads his book during the famous buster buddy in Mrs. Cythnia Scotts' class.

Student Sergio Gutierrez poses for his modeling class.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cool Photo Composition Techniques

Bird's Eye View, Joe McNally

Worm's Eye View, Steve Winer National Geo.

Selective Focus, Kenneth Garett Nat. Geo.
Repetition, Tyrone Turner
Leading Lines, Amer Hilabi
Rule of Thirds, Mustafa Ozer

Framing, Denise Gormish

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pictures of Hidalgo County

The types of photos I wish to take are the most of nature and family ties in the Rio Grande Valley, and the most of the ties between the life here and the Valley and how it distinctively is different from other places around Texas and the United States. The types of photos I would choose are also the difficulties of the family ties between family events and the concerns that most in our community concern about. The places I would choose would most likely be the ties in relatives' homes and other places such as the boarder. The surrounding environment of the Hidalgo County and the trees of our family.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nov. 11, 2010 Veterans Day

The main cartoon that most catches my interest is the top prospect with most of respect, and give thanks to those who have served in the armed services.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Life At BETA

Construction worker defines the meaning of work.

Janitor enjoys time working outside.

Teacher Delia Mendoza enjoys a laugh with her class.

Student Christian Sigler marks a joke with class.

Student Rene Martinez laughs as he walks to class.

Michaela Cavazos and Alex Gonzalez work assiduously on their work.

Mrs. Palamara walking down the hall unnoticed by the camera.

Student Roberto Gonzalez looks at pictures from previous Friday before Halloween.

Andrew Mendoza relaxes at walking to class.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010



There are many individuals who complain about the situation of the United States and the conflicts that other individuals concern about; however, the situation will not be resolved by just leaning anger and raging out one's opinions yet by making your decision clear in voting your opinion. Anger leans from the one who does not speak in the right manner or attitude, and the manner you display everything is essential in what needs to be concluded.