Monday, May 23, 2011

Edinburg Birding Center

Reflection of Andy Fraser

Classic Landscape

Humming Bird (Moving Subject)

Bee (Macro)

Robert Gonzalez "The Boss" resting (Portrait)

Stem of Life (Worm's Eye)

Cagging the Stick (Bird's Eye)

Point of view 1

Point of view 2

Point of view 3

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Civil War

The Civil War is worthy because of the time the United States encountered the conflicts that occurred because of the opposing sides; moreover, one can determine the situation of the particular time and place because of Matthew Brady's photographs.
The positive outcomes of the war was the Union being able to complete the objective of bringing the states back together; however, the negative outcomes were the number of deaths that totaled because of the war and the devastation that the American  experienced during these difficult years of American history. These photos also describe the amount of determination of the soldiers that they strived to do their utmost to finish the war as soon as possible  and also by means of making America a more accustomed environment to all individuals residing here. I didn't realize the importance that of African American soldiers in the battlefield and the different circumstances that they encountered just to fight for what they wanted and destined to be made. Moreover, I didn't realize the strength that the family had to endure the battles with the husband or head of the household and created such a atmosphere that detailed the survival of them. Though I think what family would endure the hardships and drills of a soldier at the battlefield or anywhere they traveled. Regardless of the circumstances and difficulties of the Civil War, the impact of this great war will always mark the importance and freedom that marked the American Nation and people from here on to the future.

Friday, April 1, 2011

1. What feeling does this photograph create in you, the viewer?
It creates a sorrow and gloomy feeling toward me and the devastation that Japan has been stricken with.
2. What story do you think this photograph tells the viewer? Does it capture something that would be hard to convey in words?
Yes, the disastrous environment that Japan is dealt with and the sentiment all the world is realized with such a photo.
3. Who or what is the subject of this photograph?
The subject is the patient in the hospital being transported to another station where all the die lie.
4. Is the lighting natural or artificial? What time of day is it?
The light is natural and it seem like mid day or some time after noon.
5. If it is a color photo, what colors stand out? If it is black and white, what is the effect?
The natural skin color of the person stands out.
6. What part or parts are out of focus, if any? What is the effect?
Nothing is out of focus.
7. How is the picture composed? Is the subject centered? Is the "rule of thirds" followed?
The subject is centered.
8. What strikes you most about the photo? Why do you think that is?
The person taken away by the staff, and moved to another section. Because death is the ultimate fear of many.
9. What is the background for this image?
The background is the person's leg holding the victim of the tragedy. 
10. Is this photo timely? Does it have a timeless quality? Both? Might it become iconic? Why or why not?
Yes it is recent and the tragedy will consume the devastation that the world saw in Japan.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Accessing the Artistry

  1. The reason I choose this particular image was to identify America's hardships at the time of the century; moreover, the dedication and the preservation that Americans held on to.
  2. I made it artistic in the way that I altered the background to a different shade and added a darker color that overshadowed just the black and white originality of the photo.
  3. I choose the word "FOWARD" to enhance the image looking forward, although it is misspelled the reason for this is to bring out the meaning of missing faith that some Americans held on to. It creates the left out word or left out people in the American time period, but still creates the meaning as a whole, to where one may understand it.

  1. The image I choose for myself was for the purpose of seeking a hopeful atmosphere and the environment that made the photo stand out of place and into new dimensions.
  2. I choose the particular word to demonstrate the gloomy background and the new atmosphere in the foreground with less tension in the subject.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

MTV Generation

  1. Your age group has been referred to as the "MTV Generation," which carries a negative connotation of teen-agers that have little to no interest in anything, and even if you did, your attention span is grossly limited. Is this true? Yes, I believe every individual in our generation has no particular interest in anything, having such a great gap in the voting trend and other situations we are in comes to realization of the selfness we are in. The real problem of our generation is that we have no devotion.
  2. Where do you get your news? I get my news from my phone or any other source; however, as well as the other teenagers I have no particular interest in anything I do. I at times see the television.
  3. If a news article is accompanied by a photograph, do you read the article or rely totally on the visual?I feel that I rely on news articles and do not feel I need to see a visual in order to believe although it would make it better to add the news in the room.
  4. Is it impossible for a "complicated message to be relayed in a 10-second sound bite" that the news media uses to get the message across? Is this possible? What are the advantages of using photographs? What are the disadvantages? No. Yes, I think it is possible because it only takes a second to realize a whole perception; however, the advantages of the photographs can give true connotations and at times false with the different photo altering tools.

Friday, February 11, 2011

When is it Photojournalism art?

1. Would you use the Hipstamatic app on your photos for fun?
Yes, I would love using the app to make the pictures more appealing and fun for individuals.

2. What is your feeling on using software to depict the feeling of a photo? When is it okay to do so, and when is it not okay?
I think its a great way of expressing a picture and making it stand out for the situation; however, there are times in which the picture is better without the app and can make the manner in a different.

3. How do you know when a photo is journalism or art?
It is journalism when there are certain factors of a situation that depict a tragic moment, and art to conduct a mood certainty to the individuals' section.

4. What if you are using an old Polaroid camera that produces photos that look like this naturally?

Well it would also be acceptable because both conduct similar feeling or mood to the photograph and other preferences.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Environmental Photo Essay

Selena Garcia riding in the spaceship in Mario Leal Park in Elsa, Texas

Mario Garcia (Father) staring at the camera.

Monday, January 31, 2011

January Current Events

Cairo, Egypt — Riot police face protesters on the Kasr Al Nile Bridge in downtown Cairo.
Peter Macdiarmid/ Getty Images

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Real or Hoax? Consequences.

Only in fixing a photo is in correct to alter the photo in a different manner; moreover, altering a particular image can create certain details that will make the photo incorrect and the consequences of this altering can perhaps cause several conflicts. For example, the photo with the helicopter and the shark, the photo can easily be misinterpreted and create much anger between the photographer and individual making the alternative photo. The main idea of photoshoping a photo is to ehance the photo not to make it a different photo.