Thursday, September 30, 2010

Good Memories.

There's plenty I have to share but a particular memory of Senior year is when we had that prep rally or academic event; however, there are many great adventures in this year. There are many to come and the main factor of this will be the best of the memories you create with your friends because the main factor of this the color between.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Generation of Nincompoops

Many in our generation do not realize the utilization of simple tools; moreover, there is no accommodation for the simple necessities that structure in our society. Our generation must maintain a valuable and strong hold against the accusation of the United States and other sorts of undermined process through arrangements of new instruction and likewise in a simple matter. The values in life are crucial to a helpful environment and proceed to qualify the prospect of understanding the most simple of life's matters. The society should change the way they proceed this scene of lethargic people. Something must be done.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New TV Shows

New TV shows that come out in NBC such as Chuck has caught my attention. It usually comes out at 8/7c on Monday, the season 3 premiere of Chuck has the insisting moves of crazy initiatives taking place in this particular series. One particular actress has me in a daze for her, the name of the actress I am not to familiar with yet the way she performs is quite great in this sequence. No matter what situation Chuck is in the creativity in the episodes are brilliant.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Concert Photography

I would choose to photograph a concert of The Maine in any great city especially the city of Los Angeles, moreover; the situation would be more endeavoring because they have great music in what they express also in what they do that make every situation be a more understanding and beneficial concert.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If I Had The Power...

If I had the authority it would be to change the way students looked, and more concentrated on the way students performed athletically instead of academically. America is now being taunted because many of the obese percentage of Americans founded on the many fast foods and no exercising being conducted at this moment.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What Is It Like To Be A Photojournalist?

It makes much dedication and perseverance to become a photojournalist, capturing the unique and historical moments of mankind's population. A camera of course is essential in becoming a photojournalist; moreover, its the person himself that makes a difference in how society views the characteristics of life. I personally would enjoy being a photojournalist in making the true vivid colors of this world to shine and display at its life at the fullest. Regardless of what is happening the things of the matter always anticipate in the life's' matters. It the unique presentation of mind that qualifies each one as he or she desires in the fact.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

US News Intercepts wrong photo published by photoshop


The mass media has posted a photoshop photo that the Iranian Nation has published worldwide. The technologic chaos has led top headliners such as Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Chicago Times and others led to different measures. Journalist must perceive their information at a highly cost and with more detailed intervention. No matter what issues appear there has to be a sense of security, regardless of what the information has been obtained from. The decisions made about the final photo brought by the Americans must be considered to a high extent; however, the main fact is the new way of obtaining the information for what it is really brought to. The information that is given to the photo journalist must be very accurate and be aware of all the mistakes and possibilities that could happen such as this instance. Intense researching is essential to a good headline and story that could lead to a better story and a reliable resources in this situation. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Advice for New Incoming Freshmen

One advice very popular is to transfer to enhance your knowledge of school and this school is not for everyone and it is important realization that you must consider all factors possible. Such as academically, physically, mentally, or any other condition. Regardless of what you have been told. Second, you will have to do your homework every time it is assigned, regardless of what your lazy motives are. Teachers are essential to passing a class; moreover, it may be difficult at times to even pay attention yet you must do your best to complete what you have to do. Once your a senior everything will make sense to your brain, and reach it like if you were insane. Freshmen year is the second most difficult school year in BETA, but that does not meant you can not enjoy the rest of the school year. Keep in touch with most seniors and they will keep you directed with what you have to do. Especially the kickoff mentors they are a great help in whatever you may need, specializing the particular events or anything important.

Monday, September 13, 2010

First Impression

My first impression of BETA in my Senior year is not all that great; moreover, many things have gone very ballistic starting with the new lunch schedule and separate arrangement. Getting use to this will be difficult yet I'll try my best to keep away from the